第二條貸款用途Article 2 Loan purpose2.1本合同項下貸款的用途見本合同第十八條約定。在貸款期間。甲方不得將銀行借貸資金通過甲方銀行賬戶或者其他任何第三方的銀行賬戶違規流入證券市場。不得在境內用于購買、投資股票、有價證券、期貨、理財產品等金融產品或金融衍生產品。不得用于借貸牟取非法收入。不得用于其他違反國家法律、政策規定的領域。不得用于監管機構禁止銀行貸款進入或支持的領域。不通過非法手段套取現金。否則。甲方應承擔由此給乙方造成的任何損失。2.1 See Article 18 of the Contract for the use of the loans under the Contract. During the loan period, Party A shall not put bank loan funds to the stock market in violation with regulations via his own bank account or any other third party's bank account, and, shall not use the loan funds for purchase or investment of stocks, securities, futures, finance products and other financial products or financial derivatives. Party A shall not make illegal earnings by lending the loan funds, or use it in fields that breach the state laws and policy regulations, nor use it in the fields prohibited or supported by the regulator for bank loans. Party A shall not withdraw cash through illegal means; otherwise, Party A shall be liable for any loss of Party B incurred by these.第三條貸款利率Article 3 Loan interest rate3.1本合同項下貸款利率的確定與調整方式詳見本合同第十八條。3.1 For the details of determination and adjustment pattern of the loan interest rate under the Contract, see Article 18 in the Contract.3.2本合同第十八條約定以中國人民銀行發布的同期同檔次金融機構人民幣貸款基準利率為定價基礎利率的。在本合同有效期內。如人民銀行宣布取消(或不再更新)對應檔次金融機構人民幣貸款基準利率。本合同項下貸款利率將采用屆時全國銀行間同業拆借中心發布的一年期貸款基礎利率報價平均利率作為定價基礎利率。3.2 If the financial institution’s RMB benchmark interest rate for loan of the same grade at the corresponding period issued by People's Bank of China is taken as the base interest rate of pricing according to Article 18 of the Contract, within the valid period of the Contract, if People's Bank of China announces to cancel (or no longer update) the benchmark interest rate for loan in RMB of the corresponding grade of the financing institution, the quoted average interest rate of the base interest rate for one-year loan that issued by National Interbank Funding Center at that time shall be taken as the pricing base rate for the loan interest rate under the Contract.3.3本合同第十八條約定或按照第3.2款約定以全國銀行間同業拆借中心發布的一年期貸款基礎利率報價平均利率為定價基礎利率的。在本合同有效期內。如屆時全國銀行間同業拆借中心取消(或不再更新)對應檔次貸款基礎利率報價平均利率。本合同項下貸款利率將采用屆時乙方發布的一年期人民幣貸款基礎利率作為定價基礎利率。3.3 If the quoted average interest rate of the base interest rate for one-year loan that issued by National Interbank Funding Center according to Article 18 or Clause 3.2 of the Contract is taken as the base interest rate of pricing, within the valid period of the Contract, if National Interbank Funding Center cancels (or no longer updates) the quoted average interest rate of the basic interest rate for the corresponding grade of loan at that time, the base interest rate of one-year loan in RMB that issued by Party B at that time shall be taken as the pricing base rate for the loan interest rate under the Contract.