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日期:2011-01-21 | 閱讀:


           但如果先看一二遍全文,對原文的中心思想有比較清楚的了解,然后再譯,就會更好地理解、翻譯每個字、每句話。這樣才能使譯文前后連貫、語句通順,取得最佳整體效果。總之,翻譯要有全局觀念,要把每句話放到全文中去理解和翻譯。例1 she acknowledged herself puzzled.這句話語法簡單,也沒有任何生字,但它至少可以有三種雖然相互聯系但側重不同的理解。i)她承認自己感到困惑。究竟取哪一種?要看上下文,看語境。如果她在考慮問題。可譯為“想不通”。如果她在問路,問了兩個人,但兩個人所指的方向完全相反,那就應譯為:“不知所措”。例2 The police were told to stop drinking.這句話也很簡單,但可以理解為:i)要求警察去禁酒;ii)要警察本人停止酗酒。沒有上下文,很難判斷。例3 必須注意改革、發展和穩定的關系。“關系”是中國人用得比較多的一個詞。但在不同的上下文中,這個詞有不同的含義專利文件翻譯及專業技術類文件翻譯

           通常情況下,“關系”譯為:relationship.在這里,主要是講三者之間互相影響的問題。似可譯為:It is imperative to pay attention to the interplay of reform, development and stability. 或It is important to properly handle the interplay of reform, development and stability.例4 這是一個較長的過程。這句話是簡單陳述句。如果沒有上下文,可以譯為:It is a fairly long process.但如果整段話是講社會主義市場經濟的建設問題,譯成It takes a fairly long period of time to accomplish that.也許更好一些。例5 中美雙方互利互補性很強。“互利”通常譯為:mutually beneficial.然而此句如果譯為:Our two economies are highly complementary and mutually beneficial.則意味著兩國的經濟自然是互相有利的,這不符合實際情況。根據上下文,應理解為:兩國的經濟互補性強,如發揮這種互補性對雙方有利。似可譯為:Our two economies are highly complementary and can be mutually beneficial.例6 (我領導人已經接受訪問邀請,由于發生了一些新情況,我方在回答記者問題時表示),是否成行,取決于綜合考慮。“綜合考慮”是譯為comprehensive consideration,還是overall developments,要看具體情況。

           鑒于要訪問的國家出現了一些令我不滿的事情,是否去訪還要看事態的進一步的發展,所以譯為:Whether ××× will make the trip or not depends on overall developments.這樣翻譯也有助于向該國保持壓力。例7 東盟地區論壇會是在18國范圍內就亞態政治安全問題的首次接觸。直譯:It is the first time for ARF to meet on the political and security issues of Asia-Pacific within the framework of 18 countries.譯文中部分意思表達得不夠清楚,問題是如何理解“18國范圍內”和“首次接觸”?這里的“18國范圍”是指由18國家參加,因此沒有必要譯出“the framework of”這里的“接觸”指由這些國家共同討論這一問題。似可譯為:The ARE meeting will be the first time for the 18 countries to discuss political and security issues in the Asia-Pacific region.例8 領導太復雜,不但下邊不好辦,就是我們處理問題畫圈圈都難,都是些麻煩事。With too many leaders, not only do the comrades at lower levels find it hard to get things done, but we ourselves have trouble circulating paper for approval.在這句話中,“復雜”指什么?是指領導太多,還是指領導間有矛盾,只有看上下文才清楚。例9 我們這些老同志擺在那里,他們也不好工作。沒有上下文,不太清楚這句話中的“擺在那里”這四個字的含義。聯想到上文中講到老同志應該退下來,就清楚了,是指老同志繼續擔任職務,要影響新上來同志的工作。可譯為:If we old comrades remain at the posts, newcomers will find it difficult to play their part.例10 每個國家的實際情況不同,改革和發展沒有固定的模式。

            直譯:As countries differ in national conditions the mode of reform and development vary.從字面上看,這句話可以理解為陳述一種情況,即:世界上還沒有固定的改革和發展模式。但從上下文看,是指評某些國家總想把它們的一套強加于人。直譯沒有將這句話的實質含義譯出來。似可譯為:As countries differ there should not be a uniform model of reform and development for all countries.或As conditions vary with each country, there can be no set model of reform and development for all countries.例11 中國在本國財政并不寬裕的情況下,向非洲國家提供了一些援助。初譯:China offered some assistance to African countries when it was not better off.譯文用的是過去式,可能會被理解為:中國過去不寬裕時提供過援助。那么,現在寬裕了,就更應該援助了。但把它放在整篇講話中去理解,它的內在含義是,盡管我們不寬裕,我們還是提供援助了。

          似可譯為:China has offered assistance to African countries, although it is not better off itself.例12 建立社會主義市場經濟是一項前無古人的開創性事業,必須在保持社會穩定的前提下秩序漸進。初譯:To establish the socialist market economy is an unprecedented creative undertaking. Therefore, it should be pursued in an incremental manner under the premise of social stability.這句話的后半句“在……的前提下”如何理解?譯文使用“under the premise of”符合中文的字面意思。但從上下文來看,是強調建立社會主義市場經濟不要影響社會穩定。似可譯為:To establish the socialist market economy is a pioneering enterprise never tried before. Therefore, it must be accomplished step by step without prejudice to social stability.例13 東盟地區論壇應在已經取得共識的領域先行推進建立信任措施和其他合作。初譯:Prior to other things, efforts should be made to have cooperation in implementing confidence-building measures and in other areas where consensus has been arrived in ARF.譯文把“先行”譯成“在做其他事之前,先進行合作”。把“先行”放在句子中去理解。它顯然不是指時間上的先后,而是內容或重點上的先后,指合作先從已取得共識的領域開始。

         似可譯為“ARF should identify confidence building measures and conduct cooperation first in those areas where there is consensus.例14 中國積極參加關于全面禁止核試驗協議的談判,爭取不遲于1996年達成協議。初譯:China has taken an active part in the negotiations on CTBT, with a view to concluding a comprehensive test ban treaty no later than 1996.譯文的毛病是,它含有協議的達成取決于中國一家的意思。這里“爭取”的實際含義是,我們希望這一協議能在1996年以前達成,并在為此盡我們的努力。可譯為:China has taken an active part in the negotiations on CTBT, hoping to see it concluded no later than 1996.例15 1992年我曾有幸在這里就中國改革開放和中英關系的發展發表了一些看法。初譯:It was a privilege for me to express some opinions on China’s reform and opening-up and on the development of Sino-British relations in this Institute in 1992.這是我領導人在外國一家研究所演講中的一句話。在這種場合談中國改革開放,不是在討論中發表個人的看法,而是代表國家介紹我改革開放情況。因此,用“express some opinions"不太合適。考慮到當時的場合和環境,似可譯為:Here in 1992,I had the honor sharing my views with you on the reform and opening-up in China and on Sino-British relations.例16 我們將進一步提高對外開放的水平,有步驟地開放金融等服務領域。初譯:We will open China even wider and take a step-by-step approach to open such service sectors as banking.原文中“水平”兩字是指廣度,還是指深度?孤立地看很難確定。但把它放在整句話中去看,就不難理解。這句話的前后兩部分是有機聯系的,后一部分明確說明前一部分的含義。

           原文的意思顯然不是將中國更多城市或地區向國外開放,而是指在更多的領域上放開。可譯為:We will further deepen the opening-up and gradually open our service sector such as banking.例17 今天上午,我同貴國總理和外長等領導人進行了會晤。在這句話中,要正確翻譯“等”字,就要弄清“等”的含義,是虛的,還是實的;是列舉未盡還是列舉后的煞尾?如是虛的,就是只同總理和外長會晤了,可譯為:This morning ,I met Their Excellencies Prime Minister and Foreign Minister separately.如是實的,則指還同其他人進行了會晤,就應譯為:This morning, I met Their Excellencies Prime Minister , Foreign Minister and other leaders.總之,翻譯必須有全局觀念,聯系上下文。“從大處著眼,從小處著手”。二、分清主次,突出重點每篇文章、每個段落、每句話都有中心思想。為了闡述中心思想,必然使用不少輔助語言。翻譯時,要分清主次、輕重,抓住重點。1.有時,中文修辭上的主語與語法上或形式上的主語不一致。這時,譯成英語時就需把修辭上的主語放在首或句尾,以突出重點。例1 各國人民的正義斗爭都是互相支持的。這句話的形式上的主語是“斗爭”,但相互支持的動作發出者是“人民”而不是“斗爭”,應該突出“人民”。可譯為:The people of all countries support one another in their just struggles.如果譯為:The just struggles of the people of the world support each other. Struggles與support each other搭配不當,不符合英語的習慣。而且,主語太長,頭重腳輕。例2 The interpretation of a right of such importance as the right of reproduction should be in reasonable harmony all over the world.在這句話里,語法上的主語是“……權利的解釋”,而實際上的動作發出者是“全世界”。因此,似可譯為:“全世界對像復制權這樣重要的權利的解釋應該有相當一致的標準。”這樣翻譯,既為了突出重點,也符合中文的表達習慣。2.突出重點,意思明確。翻譯任何東西,都要吃透原文、原話的精神,抓住重點。這樣翻譯出來的成品才能讓人一目了然。現舉幾例說明。例1 不管天下發生什么事,只要人民吃飽肚子,一切就好辦了。As long as the people are well fed, everything else would be easier, no matter what may happen.例2 我們兩國國情雖不同,但我們能超越社會制度和意識形態的差異,尊重各自選擇的發展道路。初譯:Although our two countries differ in the national conditions, we have respected each other’s choice of the road to development, despite the differences in our social system and ideology.改譯:Our two countries respect each other’s choice of road to development, regardless of the difference in social system, ideology and national conditions.這句話的重點是“尊重各自的選擇”,而國情、社會制度和意識形態不同可以合在一起。

           比較一下兩種譯法。在這里,第二種譯法突出重點,將原文主要意思表達得更明確。例3 聯合國維和行動在緩解地區沖突方面可以起一定的積極作用。但近年來,隨著維和行動數量增加,規模擴大,頻頻使用強制性手段,并越來越多地涉及一國內部事務,維和行動再度陷入進退兩難的境地。初譯:UN peace-keeping operations can play a considerably positive role in relaxation of regional conflicts. In recent years, however, with the expansion in numbers and scales, peace-keeping operations have frequently resorted to mandatory means and more and more involved in the internal affairs of the country concerned. As a result, peace-keeping operations are time and again trapped in dilemma.中文習慣于先陳述理由,然后出結論。而英文則習慣先說出總結性的話,然后陳述理由。翻譯時應注意這一特點,使譯文中心明確、重點突出。似可譯為:UN peace-keeping operations can, to some extent, play a positive role in easing regional conflicts. However in recent years, they have now again landed themselves in a predicament with their expansion in number and on scale, frequent imposition of mandatory means and increased involvement in the internal affairs of the receiving countries.例4 中華人民共和國將與海岸相向或相鄰的國家,通過協商,在國際法基礎上,按照公平原則劃定各自海洋管轄權界限(摘自1996年我人大常委會批準《聯合國海洋法公約》時發表的聲明)。

         初譯:The People’s Republic of China will discuss with the countries with coasts opposite or adjacent to China how to delimitate the boundary for the respective maritime jurisdiction according to the equitable principle.此譯文重點放在上。而原文的重點在“劃定”上,“協商”則是方式。因此,應譯為:The People’s Republic of China will, through consultations with the countries with coasts opposite or adjacent to China, get their boundaries of their respective maritime jurisdiction delimited in accordance with the equitable principle and on the basis of international law.例5 我由于國內工作,出訪時間不能太長。這次很遺憾不能訪問所有朋友們。初譯:Due to my domestic schedule which does not allow too long an overseas trip, I am not capable of visiting all my friends time, which I very much regret.中文里“不能訪問所有朋友”的原因不是“沒有能力”,而是沒有時間。因此,“not capable of”這一詞組用在這里不合適。為使句子的中心更加突出、意思更加明確,似可譯為:My tight domestic schedule does not allow me to be away from home too long. I am very sorry for not being able to visit all my friends this time.例6 Investment will not take place unless a stable and uniform regime of legal protection is established.這句話要強調的顯然是后半部分的狀語從句。翻譯時,為突出重點,可先譯從句,再譯主句。可譯為:如果沒有一個穩定、統一的法律保護制度,人們則不會來投資。例7 國際社會正越來越多議論建立一個什么樣的國際新秩序問題。初譯:Discussions about establishing a new world order are heard more and more often in the international community.這句話的重點不在于是否經常聽到議論,而在于人們關注什么。因此,可譯為:The international community is focusing more and more on the issue of what kind of new international order should be established.三、頭尾呼應,前后一致當拆譯長句子或翻譯無人稱句子時,要注意前后一致、頭尾呼應。例1 要和平、不要對抗;要合作,不要強權;要發展,不要貧困;既是深刻的歷史教訓,也是當今社會發展的主流,是世人的共同呼聲。初譯:We want peace instead of confrontation. We want cooperation instead of power politics. We want development instead of poverty. This is not only a profound lesson of history, but also the main trend of the time and the common aspiration of the world people.前面三個小句子的主語都是“we”,最后一句話又用了“the world people”兩者不統一。另外,“we want”重復三次,譯文顯得不夠簡練、有力。為了加重語氣,并使句子前后緊密聯系,似可譯為:We the people of the world want peace, not confrontation; cooperation, not power politics; development, not poverty. This is a profound historical lesson we have learned and it represents the main trend of the times and our common aspiration.例2 由于歷史的原因,當今國際社會存在許多爭端。妥善處理和解決這些爭端,維護世界和平是有關各國共同的責任。初譯:In the current world, behind the numerous disputes we may find their historical sources. It is therefore the common responsibility for all countries to properly handle and settle these disputes so as to safeguard world peace and stability.第一句與第二句的邏輯關系并不是很密切,因此,“therefore”用得勉強,呼應不起來。重新組織句子,可譯為:Owing to historical reasons, there exist a number of disputes in the international community. Proper settlement of these disputes and maintenance of world peace are the common responsibility of all countries involved.例3 如果雙方要對抗,我們可以找很多麻煩,制造很多人為障礙。初譯:Should the two sides go in for confrontation, we will be able to find out a lot of trouble and create many man-made obstacles.原文是批評某些國家制造事端。行文中人稱不一致,“我們”實際上是泛指,而不是真正指“我們”。按字面譯成“我們”容易引起誤解。似可譯為:Should one want confrontation, one can always create trouble and set up obstacles.四、邏輯緊密,結構嚴謹無論是理解原文,還是表達,都需要依靠邏輯為指導。理解原文、原話要靠邏輯幫助判斷。而表達最要注意的是抓住重點,理清思路,符合邏輯。中文有時靠內在邏輯聯系將句大連在一起,而英文則需要依靠句子結構或虛詞將句子聯系在一起。例1 我們擺脫了傳統的計劃經濟模式,一個有中國特色的社會主義市場經濟體制正在逐步形成。初譯:We have abandoned the traditional model of planned economy and a socialist market economic structure with the Chinese characteristics is gradually taking shape.這句話的前后兩部分是“破和立”的關系。按現在這樣翻譯,兩部分聯系不夠緊密,而且,主語也不一致。似可改為:We have moved away from the traditional model of the planned economy and gradually into a socialist market economy suited to the conditions in China.例2 深圳翻譯公司(在談判是否在東盟地區論壇會上討論地區安全合作問題時,我表示)中方贊成利用學術研究第二軌道,在民間層次對安全合作課題進行先期研究。

        初譯:China favors academic study as the parallel track of ARF so that preliminary study on security cooperation can be conducted.這樣翻譯,意思不清楚,邏輯也不嚴謹。實際上,這句話的后半句解釋了它的前半句。地區論壇是官方軌道,學術研究是民間軌道。我們希望先在學術研究這一層次上對這一問題進行研究,而不要一開始就拿到地區論壇上來談。似可譯為:China favors the use of academic study as a supplementary channel to ARF, i.e. preliminary study of the issue of security cooperation at the non-governmental level.例3 值得一提的是,我們認為安全合作應旨在增進了解。初譯:It is worth pointing out that we deem the purpose of security cooperation as promoting mutual understanding. Worth doing something這一詞組一般用在做真正有價值的事。這句話中“值得一提”的內容是一種看法,是講話者想強調的東西。可以譯為:It should be particularly stressed that security cooperation should be aimed at promoting understanding.
