2012年12月22號,據譯雅馨翻譯公司了解到,在西方翻譯理論史上,第一個系統地闡述翻譯理論的人文主義者當數法國的《圣經》翻 譯家艾蒂安•多雷(Etiene Dolet, 1509—1546)。他出生于法國的奧爾良,早年在巴黎求 學,后旅居意大利,21歲時返回法國,他是文藝復興以來第一位因翻譯而獻身的人。長期以來,在教會的統治下,《圣經》翻譯一直以直譯為主,任何背離經典的闡釋和翻譯,都被視為異 端邪說,翻譯者也會招來殺身之禍。1564年索邦大學神學院認定,多雷在翻譯柏拉圖的對 話錄《阿克西奧丘斯》(Axiochus)時,增加了“一切皆無”幾個詞(Whereas you will no longer be anything at all),否定了靈魂不滅的“真理”,被活活燒死在火刑柱上。(Robinson, 2006: 95)
多雷提出的翻譯五原則,并非自家獨創,但是影響很大。或許是由于他的獻身精神,使 得他的翻譯五原則被西方譯界所珍視。這一原則出自于《論優秀翻譯的方法》(TTie Way of Translating Well from One Language into Another) 0 原文節選如下:
To translate well from one language into another requires in the main five
(1) In the first place, the translator must understand perfectly the sense and matter of the author he is translating, for having this understanding he will never be obscure in his translations, and if the author he is translating is difficult in any way he will be able to render him easy and entirely understandable.
(2) The second thing that is required in translation is that the translator have pcrfcct knowledge of the language of the author he is translating, and be likewise excellent in the language into which he is going to translate.
(3) The third point is that in translating one must not be servile to the point of rendering word for word.
(3) The third point is that in translating one must not be servile to the point of rendering word for word.
(4) The fourth rule, which I shall give at this place, is more to be observed in languages not reduced to an art than in others …,you should avoid adopting words too close to Latin and little used in the past, but be content with the common tongue without introducing any new terms foolishly or out of reprehensible curiousness.
(5) That is to say,a joining and arranging of terms with such sweetness that not alone the soul is pleased,but also the ear is delighted and never hurt by such harmony of language. (Robinson, 2006:95~96)
多雷的第一項原則強調的是譯文應該忠實于原作,第二條原則是對譯者提出的語言要 求,第三條原則表明多雷不主張直譯,在他看來,逐字翻譯是譯者黔驢技窮,缺乏豐富詞匯的 表現,第四條原則表明多雷與大多人文主義者一樣,強調使用民族語言和習慣用法,強調為 一般讀者服務。最后一項原則要求必須通過各種修辭手段保證譯文在風格上與原文保持一 致。與泰特勒的翻譯三原則相比,多雷更強調目的語讀者,而泰特勒則強調原文與譯文如何保持一致。多雷的翻譯理論造詣很高,只有羅馬時代的西塞羅和同時代的馬丁 •路德才能 與他媲美。
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