Product Introduction
★.制造方法: 日本“特殊濕式含浸法”(就是抄紙和乳膠樹脂含浸在連續工藝中同時進行
◎、防 水 性:具有超強的防水性能,遇水不分層,變形,斷裂等;
◎、防 霉 性:具有超強的防霉抑菌的性能,不會因為不同地區的溫濕度之差產生霉菌;
◎、環 保 性:本產品各生產配方嚴格以自然環保的理念,全部產品通過日本權威機構
★.用 途:
◎、鞋 業:各鞋內的中底,適用于皮鞋,運動鞋。休閑鞋,涼鞋,安全鞋等。
◎、文 具 業:文件夾,記事本的封面。
◎、服 裝 業:可以做牛仔褲標牌(耐水洗)。
◎、建 筑 業:內裝材料的貼合底料。
★ .物性檢測報告,有害物質檢測報告,MSDS品質安全報告等資料另附資料說明。
★. Method of Manufacture: Japanese “special wet impregnation”(that is, dipping paper-making and latex resin concurrently in the continuous progress, with latex fully penetrated in the pulp to make the surface and inner of the paper board even and uniform)
Unique Characteristics:
◎Surface touch: with the touch of imitation leather on the surface, fine and smooth;
◎Bending resistance: with superior bending property, no delamination and fracture after over several hundred times of bending;
◎ Tear resistance: with superior tear resistance property, can maintain the service life of products;
◎Waterproof: with great water-proof property, no stratification, deformation and fracture when encountering water;
◎Mildew resistance: with superior antifungal and antibacterial properties, not producing mould because of temperature and humidity difference in different areas;
◎Abrasion resistance: excellent abrasion resistance property on the surface, with dry and wet abrasion resistance strength of above 3 grade;
◎Environmental protection: all production formula of this product is strictly in compliance with the concept of natural environmental protection; all products have passed the evaluation of Japanese authority, fully complying with environmental requirements.
◎Shoes industry: midsoles in shoes, applied to leather shoes, sports shoes, casual shoes, sandals, safety shoes and so on.
◎Cases, bags and handbags industry: linings of briefcase, suitcase, cosmetic bags, wallets, etc.
◎Stationery industry: covers of folder or notebook.
◎Clothing industry: used as the label of jeans(washable).
◎Construction industry: substrate materials of interior materials.
★ See the attached materials for physical property testing report, hazardous substances testing report, and MSDS quality safety report, etc.
★.制造方法: 日本“特殊濕式含浸法”(就是抄紙和乳膠樹脂含浸在連續工藝中同時進行
法,乳膠全面滲透在紙漿中,使紙板表面和內部達到均勻一直[微軟用戶1] 的效果)
◎、防 水 性:具有超強的防水性能,遇水不分層,變形,斷裂等;
◎、防 霉 性:具有超強的防霉抑菌的性能,不會因為不同地區的溫濕度之差產生霉菌;
◎、環 保 性:本產品各生產配方嚴格以自然環保的理念,全部產品通過日本權威機構
★.用 途:
◎、鞋 業:各鞋內的中底,適用于皮鞋,運動鞋。休閑鞋,涼鞋,安全鞋等。
◎、文 具 業:文件夾,記事本的封面。
◎、建 筑 業:內裝材料的貼合底料。
★ .信賴性檢測報告,有害物質檢測報告,MSDS品質安全報告等資料另附資料說明。
★. Method of Manufacture: Japanese “special wet impregnation”(that is dipping paper-making and latex resin concurrently in the continuous progress, with latex fully penetrated in the pulp to make the surface and inner of the paper board even and uniform)
Unique Characteristics:
◎Surface touch: with the delicate touch on the surface, smooth and non-rough
◎Bending resistance: with superior bending property, no delamination and fracture after over several hundred times of bending;
◎Tear resistance: with superior tear resistance property, can maintain the service life of products;
◎Waterproof: with great water-proof property, no stratification, deformation and fracture when encountering water;
◎Mildew resistance: with superior antifungal and antibacterial properties, not producing mould because of temperature and humidity difference in different areas;
◎Abrasion resistance: with the excellent abrasion resistance property on the surface , with dry and wet abrasion resistance strength of above 3 grade;
◎Environmental protection: all production formula of this product is strictly in compliance with the concept of natural environmental protection; all products have passed the evaluation of Japanese authorities, fully complying with environmental requirements.
◎Shoes industry: midsoles in shoes, applied to leather shoes, sports shoes, casual shoes, sandals, safety shoes and so on.
◎Cases, bags and handbags industry: linings of briefcase, suitcase, cosmetic bags, wallets, etc.
◎Stationery industry: covers of folder or notebook.
◎Construction industry: substrate materials of interior materials.
★ See the attached materials for physical property testing report, hazardous substances testing report, and MSDS quality safety report, etc.
★.制造方法: 日本“特殊濕式含浸法”(就是抄紙和乳膠樹脂含浸在連續工藝中同時進行
◎、防 水 性:具有超強的防水性能,遇水不分層,變形,斷裂等;
◎、防 霉 性:具有超強的防霉抑菌的性能,不會因為不同地區的溫濕度之差產生霉菌;
◎、環 保 性:本產品各生產配方嚴格以自然環保的理念,全部產品通過日本權威機構
★.用 途:
◎、鞋 業:各鞋內的中底,適用于皮鞋,運動鞋。休閑鞋,涼鞋,安全鞋等。
◎、文 具 業:文件夾,記事本的封面。
◎、服 裝 業:可以做牛仔褲標牌(耐水洗)。
◎、建 筑 業:內裝材料的貼合底料。
★ .物性檢測報告,有害物質檢測報告,MSDS品質安全報告等資料另附資料說明。
★. Method of Manufacture: Japanese “special wet impregnation”(that is, dipping paper-making and latex resin concurrently in the continuous progress, with latex fully penetrated in the pulp to make the surface and inner of the paper board even and uniform)
Unique Characteristics:
◎Surface touch: with the touch of imitation leather on the surface, fine and smooth;
◎Bending resistance: with superior bending property, no delamination and fracture after over several hundred times of bending;
◎ Tear resistance: with superior tear resistance property, can maintain the service life of products;
◎Waterproof: with great water-proof property, no stratification, deformation and fracture when encountering water;
◎Mildew resistance: with superior antifungal and antibacterial properties, not producing mould because of temperature and humidity difference in different areas;
◎Abrasion resistance: excellent abrasion resistance property on the surface, with dry and wet abrasion resistance strength of above 3 grade;
◎Environmental protection: all production formula of this product is strictly in compliance with the concept of natural environmental protection; all products have passed the evaluation of Japanese authority, fully complying with environmental requirements.
◎Shoes industry: midsoles in shoes, applied to leather shoes, sports shoes, casual shoes, sandals, safety shoes and so on.
◎Cases, bags and handbags industry: linings of briefcase, suitcase, cosmetic bags, wallets, etc.
◎Stationery industry: covers of folder or notebook.
◎Clothing industry: used as the label of jeans(washable).
◎Construction industry: substrate materials of interior materials.
★ See the attached materials for physical property testing report, hazardous substances testing report, and MSDS quality safety report, etc.
★.制造方法: 日本“特殊濕式含浸法”(就是抄紙和乳膠樹脂含浸在連續工藝中同時進行
◎、防 水 性:具有超強的防水性能,遇水不分層,變形,斷裂等;
◎、防 霉 性:具有超強的防霉抑菌的性能,不會因為不同地區的溫濕度之差產生霉菌;
◎、環 保 性:本產品各生產配方嚴格以自然環保的理念,全部產品通過日本權威機構
★.用 途:
◎、鞋 業:各鞋內的中底,適用于皮鞋,運動鞋。休閑鞋,涼鞋,安全鞋等。
◎、文 具 業:文件夾,記事本的封面。
◎、建 筑 業:內裝材料的貼合底料。
★ .信賴性檢測報告,有害物質檢測報告,MSDS品質安全報告等資料另附資料說明。
★. Method of Manufacture: Japanese “special wet impregnation”(that is dipping paper-making and latex resin concurrently in the continuous progress, with latex fully penetrated in the pulp to make the surface and inner of the paper board even and uniform)
Unique Characteristics:
◎Surface touch: with the delicate touch on the surface, smooth and non-rough
◎Bending resistance: with superior bending property, no delamination and fracture after over several hundred times of bending;
◎Tear resistance: with superior tear resistance property, can maintain the service life of products;
◎Waterproof: with great water-proof property, no stratification, deformation and fracture when encountering water;
◎Mildew resistance: with superior antifungal and antibacterial properties, not producing mould because of temperature and humidity difference in different areas;
◎Abrasion resistance: with the excellent abrasion resistance property on the surface , with dry and wet abrasion resistance strength of above 3 grade;
◎Environmental protection: all production formula of this product is strictly in compliance with the concept of natural environmental protection; all products have passed the evaluation of Japanese authorities, fully complying with environmental requirements.
◎Shoes industry: midsoles in shoes, applied to leather shoes, sports shoes, casual shoes, sandals, safety shoes and so on.
◎Cases, bags and handbags industry: linings of briefcase, suitcase, cosmetic bags, wallets, etc.
◎Stationery industry: covers of folder or notebook.
◎Construction industry: substrate materials of interior materials.
★ See the attached materials for physical property testing report, hazardous substances testing report, and MSDS quality safety report, etc.